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Know your Chinese Element
Those born in the years donated by the Wood element have high morals and great confidence. They appreciate the things, which they possess and generally do not run after the things, which they cannot have. They have multiple interests and generally, they make very good friends. Their thought process is systematic and they possess very good execution skills. These people like to diversify in different areas. They believe in growth. They are not selfish. They believe in team effort. They have faith in their abilities. Their main shortcoming is that they tend to take on more than they can handle. They must learn to work within their limits. These natives usually look for the easiest way out. They tend to depend too much on others for support. To be effective, they must be more persuasive and assertive.
Chinese Animals
Chinese Elements
date of origin of
Chinese Astrology
is not known. Some of the scholars place its origin between 4000 and 2000
BC. It is said that the Astrology in
China was all prevalent around the time of the middle ages. The
Chinese Zodiac consists of a 12-year cycle; each year of the
cycle is named after a different animal that gives different and distinct
characteristics to its year. A 13th "leap" year
is periodically added to keep the system in balance. According to
one myth, a Chinese emperor invited all the friends of the forest to a New
Year party, he was expecting many guests, but only twelve animals came.
The rat was first, followed by the ox, and so on. The emperor honored the
animals by naming the years after them. Another Chinese legend suggests
that more than five centuries before the birth of Christ, when
Chinese Astrology was at it's peak, the dying Buddha asked all
the animals of the world to come before him to bid them farewell, for
which they would receive gifts. Most of the animals failing to comprehend
the reason behind the request, failed to arrive before the Buddha. Those
who did appear before the Buddha, however, were only 12 in number. These
twelve animals were the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake,
horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. These twelve animals are the
Chinese Signs came to represent the
Chinese zodiac cycle; each presiding over one year in the
same orders in which they arrived in the meeting. According to popular
Chinese belief, the year of a person's birth is the primary factor in
determining that persons personality traits, physical and mental
attributes, abilities and degree of success and happiness throughout his
or her lifetime. Events and occurrences in a given year are influenced by
the nature of that year's animal. Please feed your name , date of birth
and year of birth to get a instant character report of your
Chinese sign.
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