Detailed 100% hand written Life Report. It is the most comprehensive Astrological Report available in our services. It is like having many different reports condensed in to one report as it is a complete package which includes all aspects of your life : Love & Marriage aspects, Career & Finance aspects, Health aspects, Travel aspects, Education aspects , Property/Vehicle aspects, Comprehensive Remedial course of action, Gem Report.
Your handwritten manually prepared Life Report will contain :
Career & Financial Aspects: Your Career and Financial strength will be discussed and any specific questions you have will also be discussed. Long term financial aspects of your life will be discussed and remedial measures will be suggested at the end of the report.
Marriage & Love Prospects: Whether your chart is positive for love affairs/matters will be discussed. Time frame by way of Dasha-Bhukti predictions will be given in which you'd be having the best chance of getting married. Good and bad aspects of married life will be discussed. Chances of separation/divorce if any indicated in the chart will be mentioned and remedial solutions for a happy married life will be provided at the end of the report. If you have any specific question of course it will be answered in the report. Special bonus in this section if you have a girl in mind with whom you wish to marry your chart will be matched with the girl and it will be mentioned whether this match is good or not ( all absolutely free ).
Educational Aspects: In this it will be discussed precisely how the planetary position is indicating about your success in educational pursuits and your future prospects in higher education. Remedial solutions will be given in case there are some hurdles in higher education. Chances of higher study in a foreign country will also be mentioned if indicated in the chart.
Property & Vehicle Purchase : Whether your horoscope supports purchase of property or vehicle ? It will be discussed and time span of buying/selling of property and buying of vehicle will be given as per the dasha-bhukti analysis.
Litigation : Is there any chance of litigation in your chart? If yes then the time span will be mentioned and how to dilute the negative effects will be given by way of remedies.
Foreign Traveling : Foreign traveling if any in your chart will be discussed whether it is for leisure or for professional reasons the same will be mentioned.
Health : How will be your health in coming years . Whether there is any chance of some adverse period coming as far as your bad health is concerned along with simple remedies to over come the negative influences of adverse health. App idea of longevity will be given in this section also.
Suitable Gem Stone : In this section the most suitable gem stone recommendation will be given along with the date when it should be worn and the most auspicious time when it should be worn. The method to wear the stone will also be given in this section.
Kaal Sarpa Dosha : Kaal Sarpa Dosha can adversely affect your over all growth in life. Your chart will be deeply analyzed and you will be told whether you have a Kaal Sarpa Dosha or not . In case you have then suitable remedial action will be suggested.
100% Handwritten manually prepared by Kamal Krish Kapoor
Presence of Kaal Sarp Yoga , Manglik Yog etc
will be checked and mentioned and the remedies to be followed to
overcome the malefic effects. Result oriented , power packed
Vedic Remedies like Mantras, Pujas , Yantras etc will be
recommended including
Gem Recommendation Report worth Rs. 500.
One special feature of this report is checking the accuracy of your time of birth and giving free birth rectification service worth Rs.750 totally free in this report. For checking the accuracy of the time we confirm some events and check the timing with those events and if there is a need for birth time rectification the same is rectified.
Birth Time Rectification + A complete Life Prediction Report + Gem Stone Consultancy + Remedial Consultancy + Additional questions you can ask (no extra cost). INR (Indian Rupees) 5500.00
Click on the amount to view the approximate value in you local currency.
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Service Name | Delivery Mode | Shipping Location |
Life Time Horoscope Report | Digital | Worldwide |
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