Lal Kitab is a mystery in itself. It is written in ancient Urdu without the element of punctuation and sounds Greek to a layman. Poetical verses interpolated with philosophy and hidden nuances of destiny form the core 'farmaans' of the book. The authorship is unknown. It is said that the solutions & remedies given by Lal Kitab are infallible. Some of them may look pretty weird especially in these modern times, but that is the way our religion is, inexplicable, occult yet overawing just by sheer magnitude of its diversity. That it has rightly been termed as " The Wonder Book " of Astrology.
The science of palmistry too has been explained in such an exquisite manner that each of the 42 divisions of the human brain have been related to the different houses of a man's birth chart in such a scientific manner that the sketch of the human brain reflects accurately on the lines of the palm. On the basis of these lines of the palm one can draw the actual horoscope of an individual and can do the placement of planets in various houses of the birth chart. The date of birth and the birth ascendant can be found out by reading the lines and mounts of the palm, which means that an individual's accurate birth chart can be drawn by seeing the lines of his palm. Similarly, by studying the different aspects of a man's residential house his birth chart can be accurately prepared on the basis of the sutras explained in the Lal Kitab book.
In addition to the above, Lal Kitab has announced unique remedial measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day-to-day life. These measures do not require the practice of ordeals, complicated and expensive rituals, which prove more troublesome for persons who are already in trouble because of the evil effects of certain planets. These measures are again different from Mantras and Tantras, which give various adverse effects if not followed rigorously in all their minute details. The measures suggested in Lal Kitab are electrically effective in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies are completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned.
Principles of Lal Kitab
The first part of this great treatise contains the principles and Sutras for interpretation of horoscope, termed as "Vyakaran". The birth chart of an individual is prepared like the traditional Parashar principles, but the only important difference is that the Rashis are not considered or taken into account for predictive astrology and, therefore, the digits indicating the Rashis in a traditional birth chart are scrapped. Secondly, for predictive purposes the ascendant is treated as the first house and it is regarded as the house of the first Rashi, i.e., Aries and counting progressively in a sequence up to the 12th house being that of Pisces.
Horoscope of Blind Planets
According to Lal Kitab, if two mutual enemy planets placed together in the 10th house of any Kundali,or there is no planet at all in the 10th house, then the horoscope is called as a Blind horoscope or Kundali of the blind planets. 10th house plays a very important role as this house is linked with the status, profession and favours from the superiors. 10th house in the kundali is the place of work for any person and is also related to his/her earnings, therefore, if two or more enemy planets are situated together in this house, then itcreates an imbalance in the work area of the person. There may not be complete stability in the service or business of the person.
Horoscope of Half Blind Planets
According to Lal Kitab, if Sun is situated in the 4th house and Saturn is situated in the 7th house, then Kundali is known as the Kundali of half blind planets. This planetary condition will have unfavorable effects on the the mental and professional life of the person. The mental peace of the person might decline drastically. The 4th house is also the house of our family happiness and because of this planetary combination, family happiness might get diminished.
Dharmi (Pious) Horoscope
Some horoscopes are considered as Dharmi horoscopes According to Lal Kitab, if Saturn is placed with Jupiter in a Kundali in any house or if Saturn is posited in 11th house then it is called Dharmi Tewa. The combination of Jupiter and Saturn is capable of averting many adversities. Such horoscopes are blessed with divine blessings. A horoscope also becomes Dharmi if Rahu or Ketu is posited in 4th house. The combination of Moon with Rahu or Ketu in any house of a horoscope also makes it a Dharmi Teva. In this condition, the person never faces any big problems in his/herlife which can drastically disrupt his/her normal life. During very tough times or during troubles, he/she will get divine help from somewhere.
Non Adult Kundali(Tewa) Minor Horoscope
According to Lal Kitab A horoscope is said to be a Minor one if, if there is no planet situated in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th (Kendra Houses) houses or only Saturn, Rahu or Ketu are placed there or there is only mercury placed in above mentioned houses then this type of Kundali is known as an infant Kundali. In such conditions, the fate of the person is situated in suspicion until twelve years. According to Lal Kitab, the person with an infant Kundali gets the following effects of each planet one by one every year for a continuous 12 years. Hence, in order to counter the bad effects of these planets every year, natives must follow the remedies of the planets, which effect their life till 12 years of age.
Ancestral Curse and Debts In LalKitab
Because of the awful placement or impact of a few planets in a horoscope, a person is debited from numerous points of view in life. This likewise impacts the native's advance in life as the evil impact of such planet stops even the propitious planets from displaying their great outcomes on the life of the native. Henceforth people with such horoscopes should always attempt to free themselves from ancestral debts so that the planets may advance their best outcomes. Like this, the native can lead a cheerful and prosperous life. The diverse kinds of debts and their reasons that can impact the life of a native are given underneath. Additionally given are the solutions or remedies for such circumstances.
Forefather's Debt
CAUSE :- According to Lal Kitab, when Venus or Mercury or Rahu or any of their combinations are posited in the second, fifth, ninth or twelfth house of a horoscope then the native is afflicted of forefather's debt.
REASON :- The reason for this could be due to destruction of a neighbouring temple, cutting of a peepal tree or offending the family priest.
1. Collect money from family members and donate the collected amount to a temple.
2. Water a peepal tree regularly for 43 days.
Self Debt:
According to Lal Kitab, this debt causes in the native's horoscope when Saturn or Rahu, Ketu or any of their combinations are posited in the fifth house of a horoscope. There may be a reason behind this debt that family or forefathers of the native does not followed the traditional ritual and discarded their faith in the supreme almighty.
Remedy : Performing Surya yagna is helpful in getting rid of this debt from the contributions of all family members (blood relatives) in the Yagna.
Mothers Debt:
CAUSE :-In the Lal Kitab, when Ketu is positioned in the forth house of the kundali of the native then the native is afflicted of mother's debt.
REASON :- The reason for this could be due to the fact that a particular forefather of yours must have neglected his mother after his marriage or after the birth of his children or must have been careless when his mother was sad or in distress.
1. Dropping a silver coin in the flowing water or a river is a helpful remedy for this debt.
Brother or Relatives Debt:
CAUSE :- In the Lal Kitab, when planet Mercury or planet Venus is in the first house or Eighth house of a horoscope, It will afflict Mars and will cause brother or relative's debt.
REASON :- Reason behind this debt is associated with the possible chances of a deed that forefather of yours must have set fire to crops or house of the friend or relative to developed hatred towards brothers or relative. There is one more reason associated with this is that may be your father was away from the house at the time of children's birthday or some festival in house.
Remedy : 1. Donate medicines to some charitable institutions is helpful as a remedy.
Woman's Debt:
CAUSE :- In Lal Kitab,, when Sun or Moon or Rahu or any of their combination are positioned in the seventh or second house of the horoscope, then Woman debt occurs in the kundali of native.
REASON :- The reason for this could be due to the possibility ofkilling wife or some other women from the family becuae of greed or some extra marital affairs or it may be killing a pregnant woman.
Remedy : Feeding 100 cows at a time in a day with green grass or fodder.
Daughter's Debt:
CAUSE :- According to facts of Lal Kitab, when Moon is posited in the third or sixth house of the Kundali of native then the native is afflicted of daughter's debt.
REASON :- The reason for this could be possible chances of murder of someone�s sister, mother or daughter or torturing them. Deceiving an unmarried girl or sister.
Remedy: Purchase and burn some yellow coloured cowdies that are small seashells into ashes and throw the ash on very same day in flowing water like river.
Cruelty Debt:
CAUSE :- In Lal Kitab it is mentioned about Cruelty debt that it is afflicted in native's horoscope, when Sun, Moon or Mars or any of their combination is posited in the eleventh or the tenth house of the Kundali of the native.
REASON :- The Reason behind this debt is due to the possibility of grabbing the land or house by forefathers forcefully and even not paying its dues to its owners.
Remedy :- Feed 100 labourers or 100 fishes in a single day on different places.
Unborn Debt:
CAUSE :- According to the fact of Lal Kitab, native is afflicted by the unborn debt when Venus, Mars or Sun or any of their combination is positioned in the twelfth house of a horoscope.
REASON :- The reason for this could be due to betraying in-laws or other relatives resulting in their family's.
Remedy :-Purchase a coconut and on the same day and should be offered in the flowing water like river.
Nature's Debt:
CAUSE :- In Lal Kitab, when Mars or Moon are posited in the sixth house of a horoscope then the native is afflicted of nature's debt.
REASON :- The reason for this debt could be due to the possibility of killing of a dog or betraying a nephew to such an extent that he gets ruined.
1. Feed 100 dogs in a day with milk products like kheer.
2. Serve a widow and obtain her blessings.
Order Lal Kitab personal remedies
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